Teddy's Story
July 2016 -- October 29th 2016-- ADOPTED
We rushed to South Los Angeles shelter to receive this boy JUST before his scheduled euthanasia. Our dedicated team of volunteers all over LA County made this happen and we are so grateful for them. Poor Teddy came to our veterinary clinic with raw skin on his hindquarters and hardened cartilage inside his ear canals. We knew right away from the shape of his head and manner in which his ears fall that he has some ear issues. He is permanently deaf. As you can see below we have his x-rays paired with a normal x-ray of a dogs ear cartilage. We speculate this could be due to years of untreated ear infections and is probably causing an intense amount of pain/discomfort.
We are scheduling a double ear ablation. Unfortunately it will not restore his hearing.
Indicated by the arrows, this cartilage looks to have the same density as his actual bones.
Want to see more videos of Teddy? Follow us on Twitter to watch LIVE Periscope videos of Teddy & friends!
Update August 20 2016
Teddy has received the first of Double Ear Ablation Surgery this week. Through your donations, we were able to put a down payment on the same day. Teddy had a CT scan and the surgeons decided to operate. Teddy's ears were the worst they had seen in a very long time. Teddy is recuperating well. Due to the extensive nature of the surgery complications with his right eye formed. He is temporarily unable to blink so the nurses are lubricating his eye to keep him as comfortable as possible.
Teddy is on a LOT of pain medication to help him heal.
Fortunately, the surgeons were able to save his ear flap! So he will have ears, just non-functional ones. This has come at a relief since removal of both ears would might slow down the process of finding him a good home.
Teddy will receive nursing care until he can be discharged from the hospital. In 30 days he will receive his second surgery on his left ear.
Please consider making a small donation towards Teddy! He is going to need all the help he can get this next month.
Update -- September 2016
Teddy received his final ear-ablation surgery on the 12th and is re-cooperating. He'll be receiving nursing care and pain medication for his post-op care. After he is healed, we will start reviewing applications for him!
A much needed visit to the salon!
Teddy needs this surgery so he can live a long and pain-free life. We need to ask for donations in order to keep up with our Veterinary debt. We take in the dogs that need the most care and if we can continue to rescue them we can continue to make a difference. If a lot of people made a small donation of just $5 we can get ourselves caught up to rescue more dogs in need currently sitting in high-kill shelters across SoCal.
If you would like your donation to specifically help Ted and cover the cost of his daily care like food and any medication he may need after his surgery, please consider sponsoring him by clicking below:
Thank you in advance for your generosity. We could not continue to do this without your help!
6 days post-op
Teddy got his picture taken by a professional too! Check these out and visit Rita Earl Photography!
September 2016
September 2016
We would like to take this moment to thank LifeLine4Paws an incredible foundation focused on helping in the long, arduous and (always) expensive journey of rehabilitating animals in dire need! Their donations to our rescue have not gone unnoticed! Thank you for donating towards Teddy's ear surgeries!
Update -- October 20th 2016
Another trip to Rita Earl Studios for a second set of gorgeous photos!
Update October 29th 2016
Another successful shelter story! We want to say THANK YOU to everyone who supported Teddy through this journey! He would have been euthanized the day we picked him up and now he will bring joy, friendship and forever love to a wonderful family that he can now call his own!
We Love You Teddy!
-Camp Cocker Rescue
Update -- September 15th 2016
Teddy received his second Ear- Ablation Surgery this week! Here is a photo of him 1-day post-op! He received pain medication via IV and is now resting comfortably. He will be able to go home to his Foster home in a day or two where he will receive oral pain medication until his wounds have healed! He looks miserable now, but soon he will no longer paw at his ears or drag the sides of his head along the sidewalk. He will soon be pain free!
Update ---September 21st 2016
Teddy is healing nicely from his second ear-ablation surgery. We are so thrilled the amazing surgeons were able to save both ear flaps! Here he his relaxing at his foster mom's home while he looks for his forever home.
He is mostly deaf, but can hear loud noises or high-pitched squeaky toys (which he loves!).