Maggie's Journey
December 6th 2016 -- September 20th 2017
San Jacinto Animal Shelter----Emergency Rescue --- San Jacinto, CA
December 2016
December 2016
Sweet Maggie was turned in as a stray to the San Jacinto Animal Shelter with a prolapsed eyeball. We believe she may have suffered from blunt force trauma that caused her left eye to pop-out of her eye socket. Unfortunately Maggie had to live with her eye condition at the shelter until her "stray hold" was up and we could take her. We had a surgery room all set at the vet's office and ready for her arrival the afternoon we rescued her. We hit a snag when the person who brought her in "as a stray" called the shelter wanting to claim Maggie and take her home. We were very distraught and ready to tell her that Maggie's surgery would take place that same day and Maggie would be on her way to recovery-- let alone the cost of such a procedure would be well over the amount any adopter would want to pay.
Luckily for Maggie--we arrived before the other adopter did and since it is "First Come First Served" we were able to rush her to surgery!
Maggie's eye could not be saved -- but otherwise her surgery was a success and she is healing very well.
Click here to watch a video of Maggie on our Facebook Page!
Update -- December 13th -- PHOTOS!
What we know about Maggie so far:
- She has a lot of energy! 5-7 years?
- interested in laps and asks politely to sit in yours or to be picked up.
- The SWEETEST dog we have here at Camp Cocker!
- Super affectionate!
- Super smart-- learns her environment quick!
- Cataract in existing eye as well as dryness- which she is being treated for with eye drops.
- Parital Blindness in existing eye **More details below**
- Aware of her surroundings: can see light/dark shadows/objects.
- Has some peripheral visibility.
- Has a lot of courage and is not fearful.
We are in search of a forever home for sweet Maggie! If you are interested in adopting Maggie or any of our other dogs, please read our adoption process by clicking below:
December 2017
February 6th 2017-- Such a Lap Dog
Maggie is recovering from eye and spay surgery!
Maggie's FOSTER home!
Maggie is learning the ropes at her new foster home! Her foster parents laid out a cut up yoga mat at the top of the steps to alert her before she takes another step! How genius! She is super smart and already learned the steps before we left. :)
Update -- January 2017 PHOTOS!
Update -- February 6th 2017
Visit to the doggie Ophthalmologist today was positive! Maggie's existing eye is showing small and consistent improvements. It is a good sign she is showing that she can tell between light/dark shadows and objects. She is walking more confidently on a leash and not bumping into this as much as she was before treatment.
We know she wont fully regain her sight but we are happy for the small improvements that will make her more comfortable.!
We need a lot of help to pay for her eye doctor appointments, prescriptions, and food. If you want to donate please do so here: