Skylar's Journey
April 8th 2017
Illegal Breeding Operation --- California city, CA
Forever Foster Program
Well we did it, we took in nine cocker spaniels yesterday from what turned out to be a backyard breeding operation in California City, CA. Two women, who gave us an alias name and told us a fabricated story about how they were getting evicted, said their dogs would be taken to a shelter by the Sheriff's department that was evicting them.
The red flags were going off, especially since the house did not even look like anyone was packing up and getting ready to move. The dogs were all outdoors, living in a dirt yard that had feces everywhere. (it smelled so bad, as soon as we stepped outside, the disgusting odor hit us).... Continue reading the rest of the story here (with video)
What we know about Skylar so far:
- He is about 4 years and the youngest of the 9
- His coloring is stunning!
- He needs stability and routine in the future, would do well in a home with another dog who can model confidant behavior.
- Never left the backyard.
- Very skittish so far, but we are working on making him feel more comfortable with gentle socialization.
- Bonds quickly to his primary person.
- Ears are in good shape, skin is good, and his teeth aren't as bad as the other dogs'
- He had a dental and a neuter surgery. Please help us with the cost of these surgeries and treatments by donating below!
We rely 100% on all of our support in the form of small donations. We run on $5 donations and volunteers! Please consider donating just $5 so we can get on top of our mounting medical bills taking in 9 dogs on one day!
Skylar & his foster brother Cooper
Skylar warming up to his Foster Home - May 30 2017
We always need foster homes to house our dogs because we do not have a facility. Our dogs stay in boarding until we can find a foster home or a forever home. If you are interested in being an essential part of our rescue, please click FOSTER for more information: