Meet FREEDOM FLYER BELLA - one of the eleven Cocker Spaniels who were rescued from a puppy mill. .
Camp Cocker Rescue was contacted by KDS, a rescue organization in South Korea, asking us if we might be able to take eleven cocker spaniels that they rescued from a puppy mill closure. There were twenty seven dogs in total, and we of course said YES!
These dogs were living in cruel conditions and sadly, the breeder had debarked them all. 💔💔💔
The eleven dogs that Camp Cocker is taking in have booked their flights and are arriving here in Los Angeles in small groups - beginning the weekend before Thanksgiving.
Bella arrived in Los Angeles on 11/20/22. She is estimated to be 6-8 years old, is spayed, vaccinated, and weighs about 20 pounds. She has been vetted by our local vet, and has tested negative for heartworm.
Her rescuers describe her as sweet & lovely, friendly with dogs & people, and with a moderate energy level. The videos below capture her personality nicely!
UPDATE 3/17/23: A quick update from Bella’s foster mom:
Bella is about 90 percent potty trained! Goes potty in the rain too! We are now working on having her go potty by herself through the doggy door.
UPDATE 2/5/23: More about Bella, from her foster parents:
We’ve been fostering Bella since she arrived in America. She shares our home with our two dogs, Sydney (female) and Benny (male). Since she was rescued from a puppy mill, we were not sure what to expect when she arrived. We’ve discovered that she can be a quick learner, and quick to copy her dog-sibling’s behavior!!
Eating - We feed Bella home-cooked meals made with beef, turkey & fish, and she inhales them! I still need to keep the dogs separated when eating or else Bella tries to eat their food.
Bonding - Bella knows her name and comes when you call her. She jumps on the couch to sit next to you but, doesn’t jump on the bed. She prefers to sleep on a dog bed for some reason. She loves having her head and scratched. She also loves being talked to. Her adopters will need to be on the lookout beneath their feet because she’s always next to you. She loves to cuddle with her dog siblings, but Sydney doesn’t reciprocate. Benny is fine with her, but doesn’t want her to rough-house with him. Bella can be territorial with other dogs. She is strong and doesn’t back down, and will fight with Sydney for territory.
Grooming - Bella is good with getting baths and blow drying. She squirms when getting her face haircut. She’s also learning to get her teeth brushed. Her fur is soft but really thick. Her paws are big for her size.
Clothing - Bella disliked wearing clothes when she first arrived, but as soon I put one of Benny’s jackets on her, she started to love wearing clothes, probably because they smelled like him. She now has 3 new jackets that she loves to wear!
Barking - Even though she was de-barked, it seems like her voice is getting stronger? Benny is a barker and she tries to copy him! When I’m cooking their dinner she starts barking (squeaking?) until she gets het food.
Bella Behavior - She picks up everything, I mean everything, from the ground - and jumps and leaps to get things off the table. She carries everything to the dog bed. She’s a collector, haha! She also eats kleenex & paper towels - she copies from Sydney!
Sit / Walk - Bella knows how to sit. On walks, in the beginning, Bella would walk behind you and between your legs. She’s now learned how to go on walks. She does not potty on walks, but waits until she gets home.
Potty Training - Her adopters will be able to crate train her without worrying about her peeing or pooping in the house when they are gone. She actually likes the crate.
Routine - Bella likes routine. Early in the morning I take her out to go pee. After breakfast, she goes poo. Every time I leave, I take her out and when I get home I take her out. She goes pee and poo when excited. She also flip flops on the ground and wants her tummy rub. She has the tiniest face. She is just so darn cute!
Bella is being fostered in the Los Angeles area.
Follow Bella - here on her web page and on our social media:
We rely 100% on all of our support in the form of small donations. We run on $5 donations and volunteers! Please consider donating just $5 so we can get on top of our mounting medical bills and rescue more dogs in need!