Cookie-Yearbook - Camp Cocker Rescue


Adopted AUGUST 2023!

Cookie’s Story:

We rescued Cookie from the North Central Animal Shelter in June 2023. She and her tiny newborn babies had been discovered under a dumpster behind a dental office. Weighing less than 11 pounds herself, Cookie had five little boys, whom we named Chip, Walnut, Graham, Peanut and Butterscotch. Her precious pups were only a few days old and Cookie was such a good mama to them! She’s a sweetheart, but occasionally air snaps when she’s feeling nervous with strangers. Once the babies were old enough to stop nursing, Cookie made it clear that she needed some space. She’d developed mastitis, a type of inflammation of the mammary glands in mama dogs, and had to be treated for the painful condition prior to joining her new home.

Now known as Daisy, she is a beloved companion to her new family. She has a nice, safe yard to explore with her pawrents supervision and sleeps in their bedroom at night. They tell us that Daisy is like a different dog in her new home! She enjoys running around the yard playing and holding her tail up high. She is thoroughly enjoying being queen of the homestead. DNA results revealed that Daisy is a mix of poodle, miniature schnauzer, chihuahua, shih tzu, pekingese, lhasa apso, and more.

From Daisy’s adopters: “We love our little doggie!

We rely on your donations! Please consider donating just $5 to help us rescue more dogs in need.