Owen's Easy-Peasy Tummy-Pleasing Cookie Recipe
Our Tribute - In Loving Memory of Owen - can be found here
Camp Cocker’s very own Mayor Owen has given these special cookies - made just for him - his Pawprints of Approval!!
Super-easy to make! 🐾
Easy to eat - soft & chewy - and taste good too! 🐾
Healthful with vitamins, minerals, fiber and a little protein! 🐾
Easy on the tummy, and good for a dog’s digestion! 🐾
Secret Hint: Cut one in half and you can hide a small to medium pill in it! Arf! 🐾
Owen’s Cookies
One 15oz can of pumpkin + Two cups of old fashioned oats (uncooked) + One egg, slightly beaten
Mix ingredients together well. Scoop into rounded tablespoons onto a very lightly oiled cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-17 minutes. Makes about 24 cookies. They cut nicely into smaller pieces to share. Keep in an airtight container. May be refrigerated or frozen.